I love Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan and experience a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life through it’s practice. My interactions and my family’s interactions with Yogi Bhajan were of the highest integrity and very dear, loving, and positive. We enjoyed many years of in-person counseling and private training in healing and it was always of the highest integrity. I deeply honor, love, and, respect Yogi Bhajan/the Siri Singh Sahib. I am so very grateful for all the gifts of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan and Sikh Dharma that I have in my life that have come directly or indirectly from his wisdom, guidance, and knowledge. Over the 27 years (from 1977 through October 2004, when he passed away) that I personally studied with Yogi Bhajan, his suggestions brought great healing to myself, members of my immediate family and many yoga students. Love, Atma Kaur Khalsa
A hard look at the www.bogusreport.com … Illegal and Unfair Investigation
The Thompson Report: Analysis of the AOB Report An Unfair and Illegal Process Which Lead Us to a Bogus Report
A fellow Kundalini yogi and Sikh says…
Many, including our “leadership” would have us believe that we are living in a new reality – an alternate universe, where our Spiritual Teacher of the last 50 years was a man who exploited his power and sexually abused women.
I believe our current reality is no different than it has been for the last 50 years – our Spiritual Teacher was a man of integrity, who brought many to the feet of the Guru and to many more, his teachings of humanology – how to connect to our true selves and the One in All.
Our current reality is no different than it ever has been – people who are filled with anger and hate and are looking for someone to blame, continue to attack him; people who don’t “get it” deny their own truth in exchange for a play of maya.
If you have fully accepted that the new reality which has been promulgated to us by our leadership, their attorneys, long time and once upon a time students of Yogi Bhajan and many others in the social media lynch mob, then you can stop right here.
If you have even an iota of doubt as to whether the new reality being promulgated is incorrect; that everything may just be as it always has – a beautiful path to higher consciousness, brought to us by a beautiful man of God, then read on.
What you are about to read is a review of the bogus report crafted by AOB. It is a compilation of information I have gathered from many people in our Dharma over the last six months. These people did not believe the new reality which was being crafted by our leadership and the accusers. They shared information which they knew personally, from their own experience and through conversations they had with many others, including people who made accusations against Yogi Bhajan.
I hope for some – those who have stood by Yogi Bhajan from the beginning of this debacle, and those who want to believe none of it is true, that this information will bring some light and clarity, so you can live in the reality that still is.
Love and Blessings to All,
OngKar Kaur Khalsa
Stories from Students of Yogi Bhajan
The www.bogusreport.com website… Illegal and Unfair Investigation
By Nam Joti Kaur, August 16, 2020
Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the D&C 6:21). I am the same that came unto mine , and mine own received me not. I am the which shineth in , and the darkness comprehendeth it not. (
An obsession with images led to a life lived in unreality, which made people vulnerable to enemy intrigues and prevented them from realizing their divine potential. Images were enticing as a form of idolatry because they captured the imagination, so that people “worshiped the creature rather than the creator.” (Romans 1:25)
“I believe it is your birthright to be healthy, happy, holy. Whoever takes away your birthright is your enemy. Whosoever gives you your birthright is your friend.” – Yogi Bhajan (Beads of Truth, Winter 1980, p. 6)